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12/5: Neighborhood Walk with Verizon Wireless

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

3 pm

Neighborhood Walk with Verizon Wireless Rep. Danna Diamond.

Meet at 712 E. 4th Avenue.

* We will be looking for other metal light poles in the Commercial areas as substitutes for the current 2 wooden PG & E poles being proposed in our neighborhood.

* The 712 E. 4th Avenue location has been denied by Public Works and Verizon is appealing the denial. 803 - 9th Avenue has a conditional permit.

* We are concerned with these small cell antennas being attached to the PG & E wooden poles in the public right of way in the front of homes, private backyards and private alleys in the residential neighborhoods.

* When you receive a 500 ft notice in the mail from the cellular company, request a Neighborhood Meeting to Tracy Scramaglia in Public Works - ‭522-7316‬ - so the surrounding residents can understand the adverse impacts to the neighborhood. The cellular company will bring a mock-up antenna to the meeting.

* There are issues with the aesthetics of the exterior wires and radios on wooden PG & E poles, and the RF emissions for children and seniors at the second story living areas of residential homes.

* Additional small cell antennas are allowed on the same wooden pole once the first antenna gets approved which adds to the cumulative RF emissions impacts.

* Metal street light poles in commercial locations are the preferred site and the wooden PG & E poles in residential neighborhoods are least preferred sites.

* See small cell infrastructure and review the Engineering and Design Guidelines.

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