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CNA Meeting TUESDAY, 1/23 Sunnybrae Elementary!

Greetings Central Neighborhood! Happy New Year! We hope you all had an enjoyable, safe, and relaxing holiday.

We had a great year in 2017, and made a lot of headway in our neighborhood. Highlights include the installation of street lights on several streets, installation of long-awaited speed cushions on Eldorado and Fremont, and RPPP expansion on 3rd Avenue and side streets. We have big plans for 2018, and need your input to guide us on what we should focus on!

One of the key items I personally am fighting hard for is extending Measure P. It basically limits heights and densities within San Mateo to prevent rampant overdevelopment, and also includes a requirement for affordable housing in any new projects. We are seeking to have this time-tested, valuable measure extended, and Maxine Terner, (who successfully shepherded P and its predecessor, Measure H) will be our guest speaker to discuss this important topic.

So our agenda will be as follows:

1.) Welcome and Intro

2.) Review of 2017 - Ben Portusach, Treasurer

3.) Measure P Discussion - Maxine Terner

4.) CNA 2018 Issue Priorities - open discussion - Todd Lanam

5.) Q&A/Wrap up

We have confirmed the Sunnybrae Elementary Large Group Instruction (LGI) room at 1031 S Delaware St, so put January 23rd, 7pm on your calendar and plan on attending please!

Friendly reminder - it's that time of year again - please submit your membership renewals for 2018! See below for instructions! Also, if any of you are interested in getting involved, we are looking for 1-2 additional board members who want to make a difference in Central!

Thanks - Michael and the CNA Board

Please RSVP to so we can plan for seating.

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